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May 9, 2004


Filed under: TSK — Dan @ 11:45 pm

To all the Mothers out there Happy Mothers Day! What a great day it is to celebrate Mothers day. Colette is enjoying her day right now sleeping. Any ways on to the ball pythons. Things are moving along here now. We started off a bit slow due the move into the new building. But we are all settled in now and getting it all dialed in where we want it to be. So we still will have a good year by the time it is all done. But we have plans for a really great year next year. Seems that is the way it is in this business always waiting for the next year when you will have more females and males ready to go. Guess that is part of what keeps us all going is waiting for the following year to see what new things we will all hatch.

We have a few good things coming up in the next couple months. We will have some het ivories available in about 4 weeks. If you are interested in males on those you should contact us soon. That will be an early clutch and the others will be later. I will have to put up a new pic of them soon. They are shedding right now. Everyone who comes over just cannot believe what they look like.

We also just put some double het for snows in the incubator. These are from an albino possible het axanthic bred to an axanthic. So if all goes well we should have axanthics het albinos. That will cut the odds down to produce more snows. We also have a clutch or two from the chocolate fade male. We hope to prove that one out next season.

I will have to go look and write down what we have coming up and what we hope to have available soon. I will post a new update soon with some new pics of some of the cool balls.

Oh and we should produce some more HYPO MOJAVES. It is looking like the EXTREME HYPO is going to produce again this year and she was bred by the Mojave het hypo. Wouldn’t be nice if we got the same odds again? Actually I really want to see a hypo male produced. Hypo Mojave’s will be for sale this year so if you are looking for one let us know. There are also several people looking for het Extreme Hypos we will have to see what we end up with before we can offer any of them. I have had some people on the list for about 3-4 years now waiting for those. Any ways that is all for now.
Have a great day!

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