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October 11, 2021

Too Much Agreement Kills A Chat

Filed under: Uncategorized — admin @ 6:44 pm

If we all agree, we have nothing to discuss. It`s boring. Once the great convergence has reached the excess of its fulfillment, a long thoughtless silence may follow, a burning or dark empty spot may fill and far exceed the entire territory of the Spirit; Perhaps it is as if all imagination and impulse to say something is dead and gone. Too much agreement can kill any cat unless a choir of yes/singers thinks they continue to hold a cat. Main Theme: Communication Quotes Related Topics: A Lot, Agree, Kill, CatAdd a CatAuthorize: Eldridge CleaverQuotation Reference: Not necessarily. It can kill a debate, but not a cat. If you have a lot of consensus, you can go into detail in your agreements and see how the other discovered your beliefs. I actually find it very reassuring and refreshing to find someone who agrees with me. I agree.

You see, a good discussion needs feedback from either side to continue. If all these comments consist of “yes”, “I agree”, “That`s true”, there is not much you can deduce from it, which would let the discussion continue. A conversation gets longer and longer when people comment on what someone else has commented on something someone else has said. You know what I`m talking about. Agreements that do not bring new ideas put an end to this cycle. If there is a complete agreement, what is there to discuss? All quotes from Eldridge Cleaver | Eldridge Cleaver Books Yes. It`s always good to be polite and bite your tongue when your goal is to respect someone`s feelings as long as their words don`t have bad intentions. Use share buttons to post the image/posts state below on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.

To share it as Whatsapp status from your mobile phone, tap on the image and hold it for a few seconds. By definition, however, two people who agree on only one subject, without having personal insight, different perspectives, or even opposition, will have a very brief interview, 😉 Share your quote or life experience by commenting below….

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