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April 15, 2004

TAX DAY (sigh) I hate this day

Filed under: TSK — Dan @ 11:38 pm

Well it has been almost a month since I have updated this page. Believe me it is not because nothing is going on here. We have been working hard. Actually we played a bit too. We took a week off to enjoy the beach.

Hypo Mojave, it does not get much better than this!
One of those trips where you get away from the work and think about what you should do with all the different projects. It is nice to get away from it all and just enjoy the beach. Yea it was a little cold but not too bad. People have been asking about seeing some pics so I have started to take some pictures. I need to learn the camera more but these are some okay shots.
SnakeKeeper snow with an albino
Breeding is going well here although I wish some of the male were a little more aggressive but hey I can not complain. Getting out of winter and into spring is my favorite time of the year. Nothing better than going into daylight saving time. I love the sun up till 9PM. You just seem to get so much more done during the day. Well I know you are all waiting to hear about the Super Mojave. I hope to have more news soon. We are checking all the females this week and seeing where were are on them. I believe we should have the chance to produce one this season but no eggs in the incubator yet. The good news is if you are in the market for het ivories we should a few available. So if that is something you want it would be best to email or call me and get on the list. I will get some more pics of the ivories soon so you can see how nice they are now. I could go on all day how awesome they are but like they say a picture is worth a 1000 words. I shot an inside pic of our new building. This shows one row in the room. You can see the skylight on the ceiling next to the light and the ceiling fan as well.
One of the rows or balls.
The yellow outlet on the wall is the central vacuum system. We just plug in the hose on each isle. The vacuum is kept outside and you never hear it running. That is so nice to have the vacuum on and still be able to answer the phone. Well I do not want to share too much right now I have to save more for next time. Enjoy these pics and I will get some more up in the next week.

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