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October 21, 2003

Show Recovery

Filed under: TSK — Dan @ 10:15 pm

Back from the San Diego show. Shows are so tiring. It is just such a long weekend standing behind the table. Of course having the children with us makes it even more fun. Dad come look at this toy, Dad can we go to the petting zoo? Heck the best deal I got at the show was the petting zoo. I gave our two girls a dollar each and they went to the petting zoo and played with the reptiles for over an hour. I could see them from our booth and they were having a great time. Best two dollars I spent during the trip.

The show was okay. Seeing everyone was great. Some new people were there that we had not had the pleasure of meeting. It was nice to see the face and talk with them. It is always nice to see people and talk with them. That maybe the last show we do in 2003. The next one is just a small show in December at the L.A. fairgrounds and I just do not think we will make it to that one a week before Christmas. Found out at the show though that a new date has been added in 2004 for the San Diego shows. Yes in March there will be a show now. So that will make three shows in San Diego put on by the IRBA. That show would be a nice 2003 clean up show. Great for the buyers. You will be able to get 2003 snakes that have some size on them. May turn out to be a great show. Would not expect too many 2004 snakes there as that may be a bit early but who knows. We just had a ball ovulate the other day so that will be our first 2004 clutch to hatch.

Well that’s the run down on the show weekend. Now it is back to work of the title I used………show recovery. Coming home you almost dread it. Knowing the extra work that has to be done to catch up on everything. Getting home late Sunday night and being up by 5:00am the next day cleaning rodents. That’s the nature of the business. By Monday 11:00am I had cleaned the mouse room, drove over 80 miles and delivered 1000 mice, came home loaded up again and delivered to two pet stores and checked the PO Box. Then it was lunch and packing two shipments that needed to go out. So a busy day back from the show. Today is feeding day for the snakes so Colette will be busy doing that. It is an all day job. If I am lucky I will get the rat room cleaned today. Also a few more orders to be sent out today as well. Well I am starting to ramble now a little too much like some one else I know. LOL

Thanks for stopping by and seeing us at the show. It was great to see everyone. We really appreciate all the kind words about the snakes and the web site and all.

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