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July 28, 2006

Building progress…………….

Filed under: TSK — Dan @ 12:09 pm

The building is going up great right now. These are pics form last week when I was there over seeing the project.

Here you can see both buildings. Rodent building at rear.

If you know anything about construction you are probably wondering why the slab was poured last. It is just the way these buildings are designed. You can see in the pics all the plumbing is installed and ready for the last slab to cover it up.

Before insulation laid on ground.

We decided to go with a dual island design that we came up with for the room. We will show you more of that as we begin to finish the inside of the building. You can also see the new rodent building going up now as well. I just can not wait to get into this place.

Rodent building behind.

This new rodent building is going to be a dream. Spent a lot of time figuring out how to set it all up and I think we have a great set up here for producing all the rodents we need and then some. Everything has a back up and if you have been a breeder you know how important back up is when keeping animals. You really can see it here the slab was insulated to help stop the heat from escaping in the winter time.

Insulation on ground waiting for last pour.

It is really cool how it works as a vapor barrier but also is about R19+ rating. Things are on schedule so far so we will see how this next week goes. I am heading back on Monday and a lot has been done. We have the electrician and security crews there today. Outer walls and windows are all done as well. Here is the expensive part, getting utilities to the buildings. I had no idea it would be so much money for digging a trench in the ground. Hey if you happen to be an excavator in the area of Utah give me a call.

Another view

So moving day is fast approaching. Well at least the heat has broke here today. We were as high a 112 a few days ago. Put the test to the coolers but they handled it and all the rodents are doing fine. Thankful for that having a cooler go down is no fun. The other day I put new pads and pumps in them so that helped with all new parts to keep it cool.

We just updated or are still updating the available pages. So if you are looking for some new balls or boas check it out as we are adding more to it daily. Still moving snakes out to aid in the move. Looking forward to Daytona and seeing you there as well.

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