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May 15, 2005

Sunday eggs……

Filed under: TSK — Dan @ 11:34 am

These past few days have been good to use on the egg front. I took a few pics this morning to show what we got today. Today there are three clutches being laid as I took these photos.

Genetic Stripe eggs!

The first is from our Genetic stripe male to a het genetic stripe female. Those will be good to have as everyone wants a stripe ball right now. I know we have talked about this before but there is more going on in this stripe line than just a stripe. They are actually hypo to an extent. The pastels that we produced from a cross with the genetic stripe look better than supers. Just amazing! I will have to get pics of them one of these days for you to check out. But I am just thinking of other crosses to do with them that will just be awesome. I think there are a lot of miles ahead for the stripe project.

Next on the list of eggs is the black stripe! I still want to change the name of that snake. I just have not come up with something that I like good enough yet, but none the less we have a clutch of eggs for the trait today.

Black Stripe eggs!

I sure hope it proves out as people really want this one. It looks so much like a boa stripe everyone loves it. If you have not seen it you will need to go to the morphs pages and check it out. What a surprise it will be if it proves out first time around. A triple stripe ball python.

Next on the list is the albino. Not just any albino eggs but Albino spider eggs. At first I did not care for the albino spider. But then as they got older they grew on me.

Albino Spiders!

I love the yellow snake. We just would like to see the white stay white. So we are hoping that through selective breeding we can accomplish it. So we will see. Wow these next few months are going to be exciting.

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