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January 1, 2005

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Filed under: TSK — Dan @ 11:28 am

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WOW was 2004 just a blur or what? It seems just like yesterday we were all worried about the Y2K crash on New Years Day, well it is all over now the holidays are finished and we are embarking on a new year. It should be a great one! I hope you year is great as well.

Well looking at how things are going right now this season is looking real nice. We have been blessed with some terrific rainy weather here in Southern California that has got he balls in the mood for some love. Yes most of them are about their business. There are a few hold backs but that is the way it is every season. Always seems to be a few who want to give you grey hairs. But looks like we should have some early clutches this season and not just regular balls either but some desirable morphs. We will just have to see if it all works out.

Many people keep asking about the ball cam. Just to let you know it only works when snakes are hatching so it will be off line for another few months.

I see the Phantom/ Mojave questions are back on the Kingsnake forums. Many of you do not know this story. I wrote it a while back but never posted it but since everyone is wondering I thought you should read it. This is how it all went down.

So you want to know how the “Phantom” ball got it’s name. Okay I will tell you the story. Several years ago Ralph came up to me at the Daytona Expo. He said come look at this snake and tell me if it is a Mojave or not. So I went over and looked at this snake that was way in the blue (shed). I said the pattern looks right but the color looks a little off. Heck hard to tell with the snake in the shed, right. So I said I do not think it is since I could not see the right color. So time goes by and we are at another Daytona Expo. I am just out looking around and I see this snake on Ralph’s table and I say dude that is a Mojave. He says “ No it is not, you said it was not a year ago so now it is a Phantom” Yeah right! He made it very clear he knew what it was and the Phantom name fits it perfectly as it is hiding a Mojave. He even put it in writing. Here is his quote from an email years ago.

“lol…….I had some guys come by and they thought the 01 an 02’s I produced from that weird female are Mojave’s………………….they are Phantoms now”,

“That white snake has nothing to do with the Mojave……………..and it’s a “Phantom”……………remember………………:)”

So there you go that’s the story. So now you can make of it what you want. You know my opinion.

Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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