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October 1, 2003

New month……..

Filed under: TSK — Dan @ 10:04 pm

Can you believe it is October? We just got a clutch of eggs yesterday. Not due to hatch till November 27, thats after Thanksgiving. Some breeding has already started for the 2004 season. Looks like they will not be much of a resting time between seasons this year. We really needed that clutch of eggs. Actually I could use 10 more clutches just like it. We got 7 eggs from albino to het albino. Everyone wants albinos this year from all over the world. We are still getting calls for them and I have to say it will be next year before I have them available. I just hate not having what people need when they want it. Well the ball python market is still stong for albinos and that is good.

Still trying to get the last pictures I need to complete the “more info” pages on the currently available stock pages. I think I need about ten pics but i just have had one thing after another come up everyday this week. Yesterday I spent hours on the freeway just picking up new rodents from the lab. Then I had to work on getting them half put away. Today will be spent finishing the job. But you have to have rodents if you have snakes. So back to the pics I hope to get them done today. Maybe traffic will be light today as I have to go to the airport.

Thanks for all the kinds words about the web site. We do enjoy the emails hearing what you think. The web master really spent a lot of time to make it all work out. More coming over the weekend is the plan.

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