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November 12, 2003

Coffee News

Filed under: TSK — Dan @ 10:18 pm

Here’s the latest here at The Snake Keeper. Well with the snakes anyways, I hear there is a lot of excitement going on out in the BP world. Talk about the walls that have ears they seem to have mouths as well. But enough of that onto the snakes.

Coffee Ball update, sad news for those hoping that this would turn out to be genetic. Either we have had the worse odds in the world or it is not genetic. Two clutches het to het yielded no coffee balls and one clutch het son back to mother 8 eggs and no coffee balls. The nice thing about it is we did use a pastel from the beginning to do this project. So we do have super pastels and pastels in the mix so it was not a total loss. The het son was a pastel so out of the eight eggs from the mother we got 6 pastels that are real nice. Out of the het clutches which was the het son pastel to other pastels “het for coffee” we produced some super pastels and pastels. So although we did not get the coffee we wanted we did get some great snakes. Some of these will be for sale in the near future.

This is just a great example how breeders spend years developing a project. This is what makes these investment animals. I think we have 4 years into this project and did not come up with the results as hoped. Think about it. We are not just talking one snake here. We are talking about holding back a couple clutches every year. Feeding, housing etc. So it takes time and money to hold these back and work the project. Hats off to all the breeders that take the time to develop new morphs.

The weather is ugly out and cold and raining but the snakes are feeling the need to breed. So we have them together and things are looking good. Had to have some males combat some yesterday. You ever hear males combat in Freedom Breeder housing? BAM, BAM, and SPRING all kinds of noises come out of there. We hope maybe we gave a few a wake up call to get with the program. I will have to go out later and see if it did any good or not later this morning. That’s it I am done.

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