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May 19, 2005

The heat is on………

Filed under: TSK — Dan @ 11:35 am

Things are continuing to go well here this season. We sure hope to hatch out some nice new morphs this year. Did you see the Super Spot nose? Wow, that is really nice. Should be a snake for everyone to have in the coming years. Tracy has worked the project for a long time and now the pay off.

New yard going in..

It will be cool to see it again once it sheds and all. Any ways thought I would mention that congratulate VPI for that one. I wonder if it will make their new book. STOP THE PRESSES!!!!!!!!! I have a new snake for the book Dave. Shoot next week the press will get started back up again and then they will be another phone call STOP……………well you get the idea. We should see a lot of new morphs this season from allot of the breeders. Should be a fun season.

Well we finally get started on the landscaping of our back yard. It has been a long time. But it is here. Two years ago we tore it all up and put in a nice pool. Last year we added the new snake room but we did not add any landscaping. We knew it would be expensive to put in what we wanted to we decided to wait. So here we are coming up on summer and it will be ready for the BBQ party season. It is really heating up outside too. Looking like 99 on Sunday. Usually I wait till I get to the beach to get sunburned. This year Colette and I both are sporting some RED hues on the old white skin already. Hey at least I do not have to worry about getting burned at the beach this year now.

So they started on the back yard on Monday. Ten guys show up with water trucks, backhoes, skip loaders & trenchers. You name it it was here doing the job.

more yard photos

It was amazing to see how much a group of guys can do in one day. These are pics from the first day. Most of everything else has been underground work you really can not notice in pictures. Some more brick work is being done right now. By Friday I should be able to show some more pics. It has been fun. I am just waiting for the first swimming party after it is all done. That will be nice.

Any ways that is about all for now. Still waiting for the eggs to get started. Looks like about June things will really get going on the hatching front. Had four more clutches this morning. Those sure make good morning no matter how bad a night’s rest you got. Keep it up Colette you are doing great!

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