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August 6, 2004

Snake in the rack…………………..

Filed under: TSK — Dan @ 11:17 am

So here is one for you, guess where we lost a snake to a few days ago? Down the top of a freedom breeder unit. You know the square hole on all four corners. Yep that little dude escaped out a fallen cage and went for cover. We devised a trap for him and gave him a few days but to no avail. So today I went fishing. Well if you are an electrican you would understand. I lifted the unit and pulled off the wheel and got out my fish tape for wire pulling and sent it up the rack. Well that passed him so we had a little girth to it and we sent it back up after adding a extra 12 inch piece of metal tubing to the rack. Then after going fishing we pulled the extra piece off and we had caught the little snake. It was really funny but really stop up the holes on the top of your units before it happens to you.

So you waiting for some Mojave news? We have HYPO MOJAVES hatching right now. These look even better then the ones last year. Wait till they are out of the egg and we will get some pics of them. We will have some for sale so if you are interested let me know. Still two male mojaves available as well. Call to get pricing.

So lets talk spiders balls. I just have to voice my opinion here on this one. Why are people selling females for so little? These people are really going to be hurting when they realize that those same females are going to be in demand for all the spider crosses. Just think of the spihave (oops sorry Wes) I mean the Spider Mojave. Or the many other crosses that have yet to be done. People do not want to use their morph females to a spider male you want to breed your morph males to your spider females. These females are worth way more than what some of these people are asking. I know there is no super spider but that does not matter. The bumble bees etc. are what make them worth something. Those females are going to be worth more than males just like the pastels but by the time people are done running them into the ground it will be too late. Kick that normal off the shelf and put that spider in it’s place. You will be happy you did. Okay I feel better now that I said that, I been telling people that on the phone for the past several days.

So you ready for Daytona? You should be, from what I hear it is going to be some fun. You know there will be lots of drama and everything that goes with it. I bet we will see some good buys there as well. Were ready well not really but we will when it is time. I have to have a good time as soon as I get back I am going in for surgery on my shoulder. That is not going to be any fun but not doing it is just hurting too much. Did the one shoulder a few years ago so it is time. Well that is all for now. See you in Daytona. Oh Colette just came in and the Mojave males have shed so I will get pics tomorrow. Last chance to buy before Daytona.

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